My first month as a car salesman

This is my first of hopefully many posts about being a car salesman.  For now I’m going to tell you briefly about my first couple of weeks.

I’ll start from the very beginning when I decided to leave the restaurant business mostly as a cook or kitchen manager.

I was curious after my wife and I purchased our first new vehicle at a dealership financing all that fun jazz.  So I decided to do a little research about what it’s like to be in car sales I found the good things the bad things the bad dealerships for whatever reason they were bad (other salesmen, management, bad pay plan) but the more I dug I found that the good salesmen/women had mostly positive things to say.  This is from my own personal perspective but most of the ones I found that are negative to me are just not very good salespeople (and that’s ok) I think some people just aren’t cut out for Car Sales.

It is not easy I am a very personable person, my first week I talked to a few people but didn’t make a sale at all.  I didn’t let that get me down at all because I had never done this no idea what so ever what I was doing.  Definitely didn’t want to overstep my boundaries  I will say that whatever training you are promised whether your experienced or not will not happen at least not in the way I thought it would.

They will give you the tools to log on to a website and watch a bunch of training and product knowledge videos (which are great and very underutilized) I guess what I’m trying to say is when it actually comes to talking to people and working those steps it will be trial and error (and management fussing about what you did wrong). If that’s how I have to learn then so be it but there is always something new to learn in every business but especially the car business because no one person, interaction, car sale will ever be the same.

This is my first post to my blog with many more to come if you folks have any suggestions please let me know!!!